Fast as the wind!

eno energy - Firmenlauf

Whether accounting, financing or engineers! With a proud 24 runners, our colleagues took part in the 12th Rostock company run and achieved magnificent performances even outside of work.

eno Service vehicles drives electrically

eno energy - E-Crafter

The eno Service & Maintenance business unit is rejuvenating its vehicle fleet with two purely electric commercial vehicles. This is the prelude to further investments in e-vehicles and hybrid vehicles for the eno service locations in Rostock and Plauerhagen. In this way, the service fleet of 23 vehicles at all locations will gradually be converted to climate-friendly mobility.

Rostock’s best trainee

Every year, the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce awards the best trainees of the year across all professions. Our former apprentice Marcus Hanke not only shortened his apprenticeship to 2 years due to his outstanding performance, he was also honoured as the best industrial clerk in his exams at a ceremony in Rostock’s Nikolaikirche church.

eno energy GmbH increases sales and improves earnings in the 2018 financial year

According to preliminary figures, eno energy GmbH increased its sales and earnings in the 2018 financial year. The company, which operates the project development, general contractor and operational management business for renewable energy projects, increased its sales volume to a good EUR 86 million and thus by around 6 % compared to the previous year. Thanks to strict cost discipline, eno simultaneously reduced its operating expenses by around 5%, so that the EBITDA margin (earnings before interest, depreciation and taxes) improved from 5.9% in 2017 to a good 10%.