eno mag

The new enomag is out now

The magazine for success with wind
Dear eno mag readers,

Amid the many challenges and changes that face us in today’s fast-paced world, we would like to invite you to enjoy a little time out with eno magazine at the end of the year. In times when topics such as climate change, geostrategic interests, political uncertainty, financial challenges and skills shortages are ever-present, it is all the more important to seek out ­sustainable opportunities and work actively to create a positive future.

Global demand for clean energy is rising continuously and our industry is playing a key role in this transformation process. By 2030, Germany is due to have solar plants with an installed output of 215 GW and wind farms with a total output of 115 GW, which will make a crucial contribution to the energy transition. Although expansion in the PV sector is around 50% above the planned level for this year and the development targets for 2023 were reached back in August, installation of new wind energy facilities is currently around 25% lower than planned. Around 650 onshore wind turbines have been installed so far this year in Germany, which is significantly fewer than the 4–5 per day called for by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. These figures illustrate the shared challenges we face if we are to achieve the defined goals.

Decisive political action has been taken in this legislative period to accelerate the expansion of wind energy, with the first positive effects already being apparent. Despite these ­successes, the European wind sector is facing challenges, including global competitiveness, supply chain stability and the optimisation of turbines to achieve better public acceptance. We are, however, confident that we can continue to overcome these challenges by working together to develop innovative and future-proof solutions.

Skilled. Innovative. Flexible.

Here at eno energy, we can look back with satisfaction on a successful year. We recently ­erected the first prototypes of our newly developed 6+ MW enoventum platform – the ­Falkenhagen wind farm is now home to three eno152 turbines with an impressive output of 5.6 MW each and a hub height of 165 metres. The installation of our first eno160 6 MW ­turbine is planned for early 2024. This current year will also see completion of the prototype of a further evolution of our 4 MW platform, the 4.2 MW eno140. Market feedback on our innovative products has been positive and we are experiencing high demand that validates our strategic route map.
The future holds many exciting opportunities for us to help shape a sustainable world. We are committed to utilising these opportunities and look forward to working with our partners, ­customers and staff to develop innovative solutions and actively drive the energy transition. Thank you for your continued support.
We wish you all a peaceful, relaxing Christmas and a happy new year 2024.

Dr Fabian Gierschner
Head of Research and Development

Press contact

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eno energy GmbH
Kempowski-Ufer 1
18055 Rostock

T: +49 (0)381 203792-157
M: +49 (0)151 54706587

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